Merging Data Frames

February 7, 2025

What is a Join

Horizontal Join (Merge)

  • Often we have data from two different sources
  • Results in two data frames
  • How to make them one so we can analyze?


Source: R for HR

Types of Joins in dplyr

  • Mutating versus filtering joins
  • Four types of mutating joins
    • inner_join()
    • full_join()
    • left_join()
    • right_join()
  • For the most part we will use left_join()


Source: R for HR


Source: R for HR


Source: R for HR


Source: R for HR

Worked Example


  • We want to merge two data frames
  • One is from the World Bank
  • The other is from V-Dem
  • How do we do it?

Grab Some WB Data

# Load packages

# Store the list of indicators in an object
indicators <- c("flfp" = "SL.TLF.CACT.FE.ZS", "women_rep" = "SG.GEN.PARL.ZS") 

# Download the data  
wb_dta <- wb_data(indicators, mrv = 25) |> # most recent 25 years
  select(!iso2c) |> 
  rename(year = date) |> 
    flfp = round_to_fraction(flfp, denominator = 100), # round to nearest 100th
    women_rep = round_to_fraction(women_rep, denominator = 100) 

# View the data

Grab Some V-Dem Data


vdem_dta <- fetchdem(indicators = c("v2x_gender", "v2x_gencl", "e_regionpol_6C") |>
                         start_year = 2000, end_year = 2020) |> # 20 year span
                   women_polemp = v2x_gender,
                   women_civlib = v2x_gencl,
                   region = e_regionpol_6C
                 ) |>
              region = case_match(region, 
                                  1 ~ "Eastern Europe", 
                                  2 ~ "Latin America",  
                                  3 ~ "Middle East",   
                                  4 ~ "Africa", 
                                  5 ~ "The West", 
                                  6 ~ "Asia")


Key Questions

  • What is the unit of analysis?
  • What is/are the corresponding identifier variables?
  • Are the identifier variables in common?
  • Or do they have to be added/transformed to match?

Merging WB and V-Dem Data

  • These are both time-series, country-level data
  • Need to merge by country-year
  • Year is easy
  • But there are many different country codes
  • Can use countrycode package to assign country codes

Use countrycode

# Load countrycode

# Create new iso3c variable
vdem_data <- vdem_data |>    
  mutate(iso3c = countrycode(sourcevar = country_id, # what we are converting
        origin = "vdem",         # we are converting from vdem
        destination = "wb"))  |> # and converting to the WB iso3c code 
  relocate(iso3c, .after = country_id) # move iso3c 

# View the data

Try it Yourself

  • Using your democracy data frame from the last lesson
  • Use mutate() and countrycode() to add iso3c country codes
  • Use relocate to move your iso3c code to the “front” of your data frame (optional)

Use left_join() to Merge

# Perform left join using common iso3c variable and year
dem_wb <- left_join(vdem_dta, wb_dta, by = c("iso3c", "year")) |> #join
  select(-c(country_text_id, country_id, country)) # drop extra country variables
# View the data

Try it Yourself

  • Take your V-Dem data frame and your World Bank data frame
  • Using left_join() to merge on country code and year
  • Along the way, use rename() and select() to insure you have just one country name
  • Try inner_join(), full_join(), and right_join() as time allows

Summarize the Data

  • Do a group, summarize, arrange sequence on your merged data frame
  • Group and summarize by country (mean or median)
  • Try using across() to summarize multiple columns at once

Create a Scatter Plot

  • Now you have one data point per country
  • Use ggplot2 to create a scatter plot